Names changes are a norm in WWE for multiple factors that I cannot get into because that would take at least 200 words or more and I ain't gonna do all of that. The performance centre (yes, it's pronounced centre, not center) is a great example of that. Now, I'm gonna list down all of the name changes for all of the NXT stars and I'm gonna briefly tell you whether I like it or not. Okay? Here we go. Brennan Williams now called Dio Maddon (alright). Stokely Hathaway aka Malcolm Bivens now called Courtney Moore (wait. Isn't that his second name change? Either way, it's alright). MJ Jenkins now called Monique Jenkins (I like it. Oh, and that name change is her real name). Dan Matha aka Dovian Mak (nice, nice). Rachel Evers now called Rachel Ellering (I mean she's using her real name just like Monique. It's alright). Nick Comoroto now called Nick Ogarelli (alright). Scott Parker and Shane Matthews are collectively k...
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