WHAT? A second 5 News Week article of the week? Preposterous. The reason why I'm writing this is that 2 years ago to this day, October 28th 2018 was the inaugural 5 News Week piece. I thought to celebrate this day, I want to share to all of the young, aspiring news writers what I've learned from the 2 years I've been writing pro wrestling news (which has mostly been WWE news because let's be real, I am the resident WWE shill). Here we go. Stock images via pexels.com #1: Research And Fact-Checking. When approaching a piece of news that comes to your news feed, it is important to research the news piece itself so that you're giving the viewer/reader a context as to what's happening. Which is why your favourite talk show programs like Last Week Tonight, values their research team to analyze the world around them and what can be done through history. Another reason as to why research is valuable for information is, of course, fact-checking. Sticking to the
Expecting good journalism here is like expecting a good sandwich from Subway.