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My Coherent Wrestling Wednesdays: Three Big Returns, A Great Inaugural Women's Championship Match.

If you have been a fan of this site since January, then you'll know that I've completely rebooted my review process and now, I'm doing that again. 

Don't worry, the format for my RAW, Smackdown and PPV reviews will still be the same but not on Wednesdays. So, here it is, My Coherent Wrestling Wednesdays. 


The Highlights.

Adam Cole vs Matt Riddle For The NXT Championship. 

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A match that opened this episode of the yellow brand, the original bro and the leader of The Undisputed Era tore the house down. 

Whether it's Cole reversing the fireman's carry from Riddle into a backstabber, Cole hitting a Panama sunrise twice, a floating bro or the crowd chanting "Adam Cole, bro", it was a visual statement by NXT that the yellow brand is THE brand to watch. 

Unfortunately,  Riddle felt short and ate the last shot but there was another highlight I wanna talk about…..

Finn Balor Returns To N. X. T. 

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It's not a typo my friends, Finn Balor had made my WWE 2K universe mode true by returning to the brand that made him a superstar. 

Given that Adam has pretty much beaten every top NXT superstars, the decision to bring an NXT Alumni was shocking yet made a lot of sense. 

Danny Burch Encounters The Bruiserweight. 

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Dunne almost puts Burch down with a sitout powerbomb. Burch hits a right hand but Dunne hits him with a kick and the bitter end. While the match was okay, the highlight was that The Archer Of Infamy struck Dunne with a vicious right hand. I'm very much intrigued. 

NXT Tag Team Championship Action.  

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Kylie O'Reilly had fun beating up Montez Ford, even executing a dance that was decent for a white guy. Kylie O'Reilly also delivered a series of butterfly suplexes which led to a double team DDT manoeuvre. 

Angelo Dawkins turned the smoke with a huge comeback to which Dawkins lands Kylie with a modified T Bone suplex. Thanks to Roderick Strong, Montez Ford collided with a tag team manoeuvre from Kylie and then……

Tommaso Ciampa Is Back. 

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Another person that made his return to NXT is Tommaso Ciampa and he wants Goldie back. In the words of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Oh Hell YEAHHH! 

Some Other Things That Happened (aka the things that I thought was okay).

Io Shirai Proves Her Worth In Her Match With Mia Yim. 

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Io Shirai had a decent encounter with Mia Yim. Io wins her match with the moonsault that I'll never get tired of seeing from the genius of the sky. 

Velveteen Dream wanted a rematch for the North American Championship in his short Experience segment. 

Johnny Wrestling Is Still Here. 

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Johnny Gargano shut Throne up with the DIY kick (Shane did hit a beautiful sitout powerbomb). 

A Tegan Nox promo package talking about her injury and I can't wait for her return. 

NXT Women's Championship Action. 

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The second NXT title match has started and in it, Shayna stomped on Candice's arm which was hooked in the steel steps moments after the women's championship match has begun but she landed Shayna with the STO on the ring apron before LeRae delivers a series of suicide dives. 

Shayna is still the NXT women's champion with the kirifuda clutch. Don't know where she goes from here but I hope it's something special. 


The Highlights. 

Kevin Smith. Just Kevin Smith. 

I mean it is a highlight at least for me (also Kevin, I hope that Clerks 3 is really in the works). 

Cody Rhodes vs Sammy Guevara. 

Sammy ate a springboard cutter from Cody and Sammy wanted payback so bad that he got it with a springboard cutter of his own. Cody accidentally delivers a suicide dive to his wife Brandi due to Sammy slowly pushing her near the ring apron. After Sammy delivers a fantastic Spanish fly, Cody holds Sammy tight with an inside cradle to win his match.

But, Cody got a lot of damage with a series of attacks from Chris Jericho. The match was an awesome way to open the first episode of Dynamite.

AEW Women's Championship Action. 

In this match, we've witnessed the clichéd "big person misses a top rope spot" but instead it's from the ring apron through a stack of chairs. 

Nyla actually got a top turnbuckle manoeuvre with a knee strike on Riho while Riho was hanging on the top rope. Riho was about to take the cake or the title in this case with a roll-up but Nyla kicked out. 

A big Northern lights suplex from the top rope and a double knees on Rose's chest later and Riho became the inaugural AEW women's champion. 

Unfortunately for the new champion, her moment was cut short due to an attack from a frustrated Nyla Rose after Rose hits Michael Nakasawa with the sitout powerbomb. Luckily, Kenny Omega made the save.

 This is by far the best Nyla Rose match I've seen to date. Will have to wait and see whether Nyla keeps on that performance or not in the next coming weeks. 

Chris Jericho, Satana And Ortiz Got Lucky From A Kenny Omega Foe (if that line made any sense to you). 

Kenny was getting ready to I'm assuming deliver a suicide dive but he was attacked from behind by none other than the man formerly known as Dean Ambrose (isn't that supposed to be a DQ?). 

Jox even delivered a DDT through the glass table to Omega which looked nasty. 
Jericho led his team to victory to which Cody ran to hit Jericho with a series of rights but Sammy low blows Cody and out came Dustin Rhodes to the rescue. 

That rescue wasn't enough to stop the debuting Jake Hager aka Jack Swagger if you're a WWE shill like myself. Hager executes the older Rhodes brother with a gutwrench powerbomb on that ring bell table. 

They got a lot of heels and to align Jake as a bad guy is odd but it's cool to see the man that has the best ankle lock back (I'm kidding. I'm kidding).

Some Other Things That Happened. 

MJF Continues To Piss Off The Dungeons And Dragons Community. 

Maxwell knocked Brandon Cutler out with a right forearm and an armbar submission to win his match. His promo was decent though. 

Several tag teams in the AEW tag team championship tournament interacted that includes Private Party, Jack Evans and Angelico, The Lucha Brothers and SCU which led to another awkward silence and another throughout the night because I watched the Fite App version but I get it considering that I bought AEW Plus. 

Pac Is Undefeated (No shit, Omar). 

In a winning effort from Hangman Page, Pac got the W with the black arrow or formerly known as the red arrow and the rings of Saturn submission. 

Decent match. Really liked how they're building Pac like that with the Ws he's getting. 

Give me some feedback guys because I may or may not change the formula. Anyways, what do you guys think of both NXT and AEW? Sound off in the comments below. 

Follow me on Twitter @omartheplayaguy and follow this blog for honest pro wrestling opinions. Anyways, stay safe smarks. 


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