In other words, John Oliver made WWE look like crap going into Wrestlemania 35. Look, I’m a fan of Last Week Tonight and I watch that show every single week. This episode like every other episode was well informed, well researched and I have to put up with John Oliver’s “sense of humour”.
Now, we as fans have known about how WWE treats it's "independent contractors" for years thanks to the wrestlers themselves talk about this (click here to listen to Jason Solomon’s interview with Hardcore Holly), the articles online, podcasters and YouTubers like Jason Solomon of the Solomonster Sounds off, Brian Zane of Wrestling With Wregret made a great video back in late 2015 about how WWE should handle an off-season and the drawbacks behind it, Wrestlenomcis radio talked about the problems with “independent contractors" etc.
I’m gonna end with this, I appreciate John Oliver and his team for talking about this issue considering that his show has a very big platform. However, I’m also glad that the non-wrestling fans out there that watched this piece knows about this.
Any thoughts about the latest episode of Last Week Tonight? Sound off in the comments below and as always, stay safe smarks.
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