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Money In The Bank 2020 | A Coherent Review.

The Money In The Bank show has a special in my heart because the 2018 edition was my first PPV review. The 2019 Money In The Bank PPV was enjoyable based on my review last year. 

Like 2019, this year's show was fun overall but way shorter in airtime (it was 2 hours and 25 minutes in case you were curious). 

The NXT Takeover shows were a lot longer. I hope WWE keeps that pace up because I don't want to fall asleep during the PPV only to rewatch most of the show again. 

Quick thoughts on the Jeff Hardy vs Cesaro match on the pre-show. It was *Booker T's voice* guuud. 

The New Day vs Lucha House Party vs Forgotten Sons vs The Miz And John Morrison For The SmackDown Tag Team Championship. 

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Gran Metalik was in my opinion, the highlight in this championship match whether it's his Spanish fly to John Morrison onto the recent of the participants or the amazing looking elbow drop from the top rope on Big E. 

Unfortunately, Metalik is the guy that took the pin to end the match thanks to a Big ending from Big E. A pretty solid way to open the show. 

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The only disappointing thing about this is that The New Day has no new/fresh challengers left so whoever they face, the match will feel kinda meaningless. 

Lacey Evans tells the world in a pre-recorded video that she'll win this year's Money In The Bank ladder match. 

Drew McIntyre said in an interview with Charly Caruso, that the champ will kick Rollins' head off to retain the title. Cool. 

R Truth vs MVP. 

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After Truth made some basketball references that I didn't get simply because I'm not a fan of the sport, Bobby Lashley showed up and convinced MVP to take his place in the match to which MVP immediately accepted. 

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That led to a skippable squash match from Bobby Lashley. Why did this match happen in the first place? Why? Why? Why? And, why? 

Bayley vs Tamina For The SmackDown Women's Championship. 

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When the ring announcer introduced the competitors, Bayley and Sasha chanted "Booooo" for Tamina while they chanted "Yayyy" for the champion which I thought was hilarious. Tamina tried to hit the superkick but Bayley made an amazing counter with a knee-bar. 

By the end of the match, Tamina nailed the Samoan drop but Sasha Banks distracted. Tamina was then chasing Banks around and Bayley delivered the crucifix pin on Tamina to retain the championship. An okay match. 

Rollins in a backstage promo, said that the world needs Seth Rollins as WWE champion and he needs to be the Monday Night messiah. 

Braun Strowman vs Bray Wyatt For The Universal Championship. 

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This was all Braun until Wyatt got out of a shoulder tackle that made the big man land first on the announce table, then on the outside floor. The pig made his immediate presence as a member of the audience watching all of this unfold.  

Wyatt hits Sister Abigail and tried to attempt it for the second time, however, Braun grabbed Wyatt's neck and delivered a chokeslam you know, because that's what all big men do. 

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Strowman actually wore the black sheep mask which was an obvious distraction for Braun to nail the running powerslam and retained the championship. Not the best technical match but it was the best story-driven match. Bray’s look on his face after he lost should probably tell you that we’re getting a rematch but I could be wrong. 

"The Truth will be heard," says the mysterious hacker that included footage of various Smackdown stars. Based on the video showing the Xavier Woods celebration of the New Day's 7 tag title win, it isn't Woods. I'm still convinced that it's Mustafa Ali. 

Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins For The WWE Championship. 

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Seth Rollins got a fitting new entrance music which has been a complaint to some fans regarding Rollins' use of his now old theme with the cult leader gimmick. 

I personally didn't mind Seth's old theme matching with his messiah character but this one certainly suits his persona. This encounter was slow at first but it gradually speed things up because of McIntyre's over the head belly to belly suplex to Rollins on the announce table. 

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The match concluded when McIntyre and Seth exchanged some quick offensives but Drew's another quick offence, the claymore kick, was the move that led to a victorious W for the Scotsmen. 

That was an awesome match and I'll go as far as to say that it was one of the best matches of the calendar year. 

R Truth made his promise in an interview with Charly Caruso that he'll take back the 24/7 championship from "Tom Brady". If Truth gets the title once again, I hope he defends the title against his childhood hero, John Cena. 

AJ Styles vs Otis vs Aleister Black vs King Corbin vs Daniel Bryan vs Rey Mysterio. Lacey Evans vs Dana Brooke vs Carmella vs Asuka vs Nia Jax vs Shayna Baszler For The Money In The Bank Ladder match. 

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I'm only gonna talk about the highlights given that I wanna keep my reviews as short as possible. The women's side of the match starts off in the ground while the men's side starts off in the gym that you've seen a lot in promo packages throughout the years. 

Brother Love aka Bruce Prichard made a cameo in this match as well as a man with clown makeup that isn't Doink (rip). Dana Brooke thought she captured the briefcase in the conference room but Stephanie McMahon showed up to tell her that this isn't the contract because it's on the rooftop. 

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The match had another cameo, this time it was Vince McMahon himself who told AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan to get out of his office. Asuka and Corbin were on the top of the ladder and she kicked his head off, grabbed the briefcase to become Ms Money In The Bank. Meanwhile, on the men's side, Corbin was on top of the ladder for the second time. Oh, and Johnny Ace made a cameo with the "People Power" music which was fine. 

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Along with the phenomenal one, they were playing tug and war with the briefcase but Elias hits the King with the guitar from out of nowhere and the briefcase immediately fell on Otis' hands which means that Otis is the 2020 men's Money In The Bank match-winner. Also, Corbin kayfabe killed two guys by throwing Aleister Black and Rey Mysterio off of the rooftop. Woah. 

I f'ing enjoyed the hell out of that match. WWE is now 3 and 0 in cinematic matches. Surprisingly, I do not mind either of those wins.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not up and arms over the victories but I'm very much so intrigued. Otis will most likely have a failed cash in. But Asuka? It's a 50/50 chance. Will see what happens next. 

So, to recap for all of you slow mofos. 

Like: The Money In The Bank Ladder Match, Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins, the SmackDown tag team championship match, Braun Strowman vs Bray Wyatt For The Universal Championship. 

Didn't like: R Truth vs Bobby Lashley was a waste. 

The question is, what do you think about Money In The Bank 2020? Put any of your thoughts in the comments below and follow me on twitter @omartheplayaguy. Anyways, stay home and take care of yourselves.


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